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SumProduct failing after row 4789

  1. #1
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    SumProduct failing after row 4789

    I use SumProduct copiously throughout my spreadsheet, and for earlier rows it works fine. But from Row 4789 it fails.

    If I manually re-type in the formula, it works; but if I dopy it down (from the previous row(s) it does not - although the formula is still in the cell, the numerical value is that of the row above. This repeats since (to row 4795 so far).

    I have attempted to create an abbreviated spreadsheet of just the last dozen rows or so, but cannot. I do have a link to my whole spreadsheet in DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u128eu2uxc...ards.xlsm?dl=0 if that helps.

    For example: =SUMPRODUCT($AH$2:$MT$2,$AH4789:$MT4789)*17.2+(MV4789+MW4789)*17.2 sows the previous row's number

    But =SUMPRODUCT($HE$5:$HY$5,$HE4789:$HY4789)*38.9+MX4789*38.9 works fine

    I'd appreciate some ideas on how to trace this fault.

  2. #2
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Contributors are unwilling to go to file-sharing sites so please post file here. If the file is large then "ZIP" it.

  3. #3
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    This is odd. i posted a reply a few minutes ago - and it has disappeared! So I'll try again.

    Thanks for taking the trouble to get back to me John.

    Alas, my spreadsheet is still too big when zipped - 153MB. I knew this would be a problem, which is why I hoped someone may be able to suggest a method to fault-find this problem.

  4. #4
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    which sheet/cell contains errors ?


  5. #5
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    You have circular references in ML2:ML9, column RK and column RL - take care of these and it should resolve your problem.

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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Thanks Joseph (I thought I'd already said that a couple of days ago, but cannot see it here, so maybe my attempt at posting failed).

    I did correct that somewhat glaring error; now corrected. I thought that was it, but also no.

    This SumProduct function in my spreadsheet is behaving very oddly. Having worked well in thousands of instances, this last few days it no longer does, at least as heretofore.

    I normally just copy one day's results down to the next row, incrementing the date. Which worked fine, until now. So since Row 4793, the copying (working fine for all other columns) just repeats the preceding value rather than doing the SumProduct calculation anew.

    But it gets stranger. If I cut and paste the cell, the new value is correct - just not if I've copied the cells downwards. The cells on the Raw Data sheet (eg: B4795) are themselves copied from the NormData sheet, wherein the SumProduct is generated. I have cut & pasted each of the five SumProduct cells in NormData B4797 - F4797, wherein the correct value is shown.

    I've posted an updated version of my spreadsheet: https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Life...?role=personal

    Any suggestions as to why this may be happening would be appreciated.

    I've Error Checked every sheet; all is seemingly well.

  7. #7
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    There are instructions at the top of the page explaining how to attach your sample workbook directly here.

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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Thanks for the reminder AliGW. I did know that. I've tried making a reduced spreadsheet with the problem, but it only seems to exist in the full one - all the previous 4,000+rows are fine (so copying from a small set works oK).

    But I appreciate that this means fellow Excel Forumers probably cannot help. I just hoped that someone knows about this problem and can offer suggestions to explore.

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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Strange, this time , dropbox force me to sign in/ register. [ and if I sign in , dropbox can access my contact list, but I don't want to ]
    (I was download your first file without any sign in request.)

    Sorry , can't help.

  10. #10
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    @menem, if you change the end of the link from 0 to 1, then it will automatically download

  11. #11
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathrustra View Post
    Thanks for the reminder AliGW. I did know that. I've tried making a reduced spreadsheet with the problem, but it only seems to exist in the full one - all the previous 4,000+rows are fine (so copying from a small set works OK.
    As suggested earlier in the thread, zip it up and attach it here as a ZIP file.

  12. #12
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Alas, the zipped file is little smaller - 165MB down to 153; so still way too large I'm afraid.

  13. #13
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Your last dropbox link doesn't work for me.
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  14. #14
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Why is your file at 165MB ? - is it just 'file bloat' that is the problem ?
    Without the actual file it is pure guesswork - and has already stated many of us are not prepared to download from 'dropbox'

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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    I understand toachan. But it is what it is. My file is huge because my data and analyses are - 4,500 daily records of 600 variables and dozens of sheets. I tried to reduce the file size without compromising the problem issue but could not. Apologies.

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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Perhaps this link is better? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ppznu...ccrnzedlpjmwmp

    My apologies for not always doing things correctly.

  17. #17
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Which tab?

  18. #18
    Forum Expert torachan's Avatar
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    against my better judgement I downloaded the file without problem
    I have not a clue what is happening as it freezes my computer at 11% load-up.
    After that the hard disk sounds like an helicopter taking off.
    I have to resort to Task Manager to regain control.

  19. #19
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    To John Toley: Which tab?:

    The NormData sheet, Rows 4792 onwards, cells B4792 - F4792, and downwards.

    Cutting and pasting back in to each of these cells does seem to make the SumProduct function work, so that would be a work-around temporarily. I left these more or less as-is, so you could see the problem.

    You'll see that all the preceding copy-downs up to 4792 worked as expected.

  20. #20
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    OK, I can load your file.

    May I ask , did your file need iterative calculation ? Because I still saw your file have circula reference error.
    [ It's appear in 'Raw Data' MB115-MB1014 with MB4819 // MB13-MB114 not effected because MB4819 just average from MB115-MB4811
    it may also occure in others columns too ie. LY, LZ etc. ] Note: I've seen a tick line between row 1014 and row 1015 maybe it have some

    And some another circular reference , in sheet 'Collations2' that refer to sheets Creatinine, Urea, Cystatin and others... that are refer back to

    Another question, what is your 'not work' or 'woked' result of those cells ?


  21. #21
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    Re: SumProduct failing after row 4789

    Thanks menem for looking at my problem; and your suggestions and query.

    You have picked up my mis-typed entries in MB; it should have been MB1015 to MV1014, and my Average in MB4819 should be =AVERAGE(MB1015:MB4811). Similarly for LY, LZ, etc. This is to fill in those early entries with an average of all those where I did not have data, but only calculating the average from when I do have data (I hope that makes sense). Once I'd corrected that (and why Error Checking didn't pick it up, I do not know), my SumProduct problem seems to have disappeared. Hurrah. Nad many thanks toyou (and others) who took the time and trouble to help. I really appreciate this.

    As to the calculation chain from Creatinine, to Collations2, to the NormData SumProducts in cols B - F, I don't think there's any circularity there. I've been using that loop for some time and haven't had any problems from that part of my work.

    As to my 'not work' etc, I'm afraid I do not recall having done this entry - I have looked for it, but so far have failed to find it. So, alas, I cannot offer any explanation for it. If perhaps you were referring to "BAD" entries, these are those that are inconsistent for Cardio and Kidney - that is, good for one, but bad for the other and so best not take/do that thing.

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