Hi everyone,
I am working on a large, interrelated excel workbook to conduct research for my honours thesis in forestry. I have used the vlookup function before with no problems; however, I have just encountered the n/a error when trying to look up a value from another worksheet. I have tried changing the cell format to general and numbers, have messed around with putting quotation marks (" ") around the lookup value and used the "clean" function in front of the lookup value with no luck. I am pretty sure the formula is correct because I have checked it quite a few times. Also, when I put in quotation marks around the lookup value, some cells return as 0 when they should return a value, and then other cells contain N/A. I have attached a smaller sample of my excel document to this thread, and highlighted the column with the error in yellow. Thanks for any assistance you might be able to offer![]()
Best wishes,
A stressed uni student :')