m trying to set up a calendar that autofills dates based on what items are due on that date. (Ex 9/12/21 would fill with items that are scheduled to be completed on that date) My current code is as follows

The index is pulling from a array populated by the following code

='ACTIVE-Unit Turns Needed'!AD5&IF('ACTIVE-Unit Turns Needed'!O5>0,"(" &'ACTIVE-Unit Turns Needed'!O5&" Days)",)
As you can see, I'm getting the days needed from a date as well(If the due date is 7/17, but it will take 5 days, this would be appended). The calendar works great as is, but if possible, I'd like to set it up so that these items are pulled across the table(an item due on 7/17 that takes 5 days would actually be listed across 7/13-7/17, those 5 days). I'm worried about overlap, and about getting across weekends. I know it's an ambitious project, but any help would be great. In the mean time, I'll continue messing with it myself :^).