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Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

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Excel enthusiast Selecting cells to sum based... 07-11-2021, 09:32 AM
Glenn Kennedy Re: Selecting cells to sum... 07-11-2021, 09:43 AM
Excel enthusiast Re: Selecting cells to sum... 07-11-2021, 10:17 AM
Glenn Kennedy Re: Selecting cells to sum... 07-11-2021, 10:20 AM
Excel enthusiast Re: Selecting cells to sum... 07-11-2021, 10:22 AM
Glenn Kennedy Re: Selecting cells to sum... 07-11-2021, 10:57 AM
  1. #1
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    Smile Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    Hi Excel forum,
    I hope your amazing members can help me with a function issue I have.

    I need to create a formula that counts based on multiple criteria - a simple COUNTIFS you might think. But alas this is not satisfying the needs.
    The function must select the LAST occurring incidence of criteria and sum that.
    E.g. data is categorised as:
    Person number ( person 1, person 2 etc), date, status (Start, Include, End, and can have several occurrences of Start and end over time with several Includes within each group), value to be summed.

    What I need a formula for is to search for the LAST occurring START and count everything from there to the current cell's timepoint, or to the last "END" status prior to this cell's date.
    It is likely that there will be varying numbers of records between each "START" and "END" status. I need a formula that can dynamically identify only the last "START" and commence counting from there to the current position for the selected person in that row.

    Not sure I've explained this accurately enough, so I have mocked up a simple spreadsheet - see attached.
    I hope this demonstrates my requirements.

    Is there a formula that could generate the required results?

    Thanks in advance
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    Maybe this:

    Attached Files Attached Files

    None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU

  3. #3
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    Re: Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    Hi Glen,

    Thanks for your very quick reply, and solution.
    It's so simple. Why didn't I think of this???

    It's definitely a "Doh!" moment from me.

    (When using this in my actual spreadsheet, I'll have to ensure the dataset provided to me is sorted by both person and date ascending order otherwise the formula isn't accurate.)

    Thanks again.
    Best wishes,

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    If you had O365, you could build that in easily enough, but...

    You're welcome.

    It would be very nice if you were to just click the Add Reputation button at the foot of any of the posts of members who helped you reach a solution.

    Finally, if that takes care of your original question, please select "Thread Tools" from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  5. #5
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    Re: Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    I have 365 at home (just changed my profile now )but sadly not at work, where I'll need to use it.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Selecting cells to sum based on LAST occurring incidence of criteria

    ok... But, if you need to ask a work Q again, don't forget to specify that it needs to work in Excel 2010....

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