I have been trying to get this formula right, but everything I've tried so far is coming up short!
What I'm trying to do is bring a summary of details from the scoresheet, across to the results sheet, by finding the max value in the points column (on the Scoresheet), and transfer the member and species associated to that value into the correct row on the 'Results' sheet.
The closest I have come so far is: =IFERROR(INDEX(Jan2021!$c$3:$c$200,AGGREGATE(15,3,((Jan2021!$a$3:$a$200=$b11)/(Jan2021!$a$3:$a$200=$b11)*ROW(Jan2021!$a$3:$a$200))-ROW(Jan2021!$a$2), ROWS($a11:a11))),””)
The yellow section on the results summary is the only area pulling the results from the Jan2021 scoresheet.
The date in B1 of Results will become a dropdown, directing to a corresponding month of Scoresheets (I have only provided Jan2021 on the example).
Thankyou in advance for any help!!![]()