I was able to get help on my last problem, so thank you so much! This one is a bit tricky -- I'm really hoping it's an easy thing!
When the Type is entered on the Monster List page (there are 11 types to choose from), I want the Physical Save and Mental Save columns to be auto populated using information found on the Data page. But! Excel has to check a couple columns on the Monster List page first. First, it has to check what Type the monster is and what Level the monster is. Then, using that data, go to the Data page.
On that page, there is a chart with Good Saves. The options are Mental, Physical, and Both.
Also on that page is a chart with Levels. I want Excel to go down to the monster's level row, and then using that data, go back to the Monster List page and fill in the Physical Save and Mental Save using the correct data.
SO FOR EXAMPLE, I click on the Type dropdown and choose Aberrant for the 6th-level Carrion Crawler. On the Data page, an Aberrant creature's Good Save is Mental. Also on the Data page, a 6th-level creature has 12 for Good Saves and 10 for Bad Saves.
So on the Monster List page, in the Physical Save cell for a Carrion Crawler, 10 would appear (for the Bad Save). And in the Mental Save column, 12 would appear (for the Good Save).
AND THEN... Some monsters have BOTH as the Good Save -- like DRAGONS.