If the values to be sorted were {60;60;60;61;62;65;65;67} with lowest best, MIN(values) = SMALL(values,2) = SMALL(values,3). If N (> 1) different golfers all had the same best value, shouldn't all N of them receive the same points for that value?
My point: use a table. If columns Y and Z were available, and since you show you're using Office 365 so should have spilled formulas,
Fill Y2 down until the formula returns 0. Enter the corresponding points in column Z. Use LOOKUP to pull points for each player, e.g.,
The -s are needed because column Y would be in descending order. Taking negatives puts them in ascending order, which is what LOOKUP expects.
Point: tables are BY FAR the best way to approach this sort of thing.
OK, you could use XLOOKUP.
but from my perspective using negatives for LOOKUP's 1st and 2nd arguments is easier. Then again, if brevity were paramount and all columns in the table were numeric,
ADDED: if some other score should be sorted smallest to largest, say, column C, then using columns AB and AC for another table,
Fill AB2 down until the formula returns 0, and clear the cell with the formula returning 0. Enter corresponding points in column AC. The LOOKUP formula would be simpler because column AB would be in ascending order.