
Reference to the attached workbook, I have a formula in JAN sheet P column starting from P4 cell, it is working fine in displaying the time values if it is over than two hours in each corresponding row of JAN O column provided one of the following criteria value is in the corresponding row of column B; “FLY","TVL","FLY-CO","TVL-CO, and one of the following names is in the corresponding row of column D; “AAA”, “BBB”, “CCC”, “DDD”, ”EEE”, ”FFF”, “GGG”, “HHH”, “III”…

I would like please a formula that do the same function but illuminate the need for listing all the names in the present formula (AAA, BBB, …) which are a part of a longer list of names in the original formula, and that is by matching the names from the DATA sheet I column name list instead and perform the rest of the present formula function.

The new expected formula index should account please for a longer names list than the present sample names list in the Data sheet I column and return blank please if no data is in the corresponding row of B column.

King regards,