Actually, shg's method works for any N sets of n, mean and (population) sd. The better link is .
We just have to understand his presentation, namely: 12 groups of 3 sets of data each(!?).
Thus, read across each line to see the method that could be applied to your problem.
Also, we must use the correct method for the desired type of std dev ("population" or "sample"). See the important notes below.
IMHO, that is not clear in the math formulas at The better link is .
Applied to your design, see columns E:H in the attached file.
Refer to the "stdevp" or "stdev" worksheet, whichever applies to you. The following refers to the "stdevp" worksheet.
Essentially, shg's method is applied pairwise, where one of the pair is the combined n, mean and sd for the previous pair.
Thus, the formulas in E5:H5 are dragged down their respective columns for as many studies as you have. (Four in my example.)
(E4:H4 are simply a copy of the statistics for the first study in B4:D4.)
A B C D E F G H 3 study id n mean std dev comb n comb mean comb sd 1 comb sd 2 4 1 11 50.2727 26.0353 11 50.2727 26.0353 26.0353 5 2 13 556.2308 220.2691 24 324.3333 300.2424 300.2424 6 3 17 5608.4118 2742.3523 41 2515.2927 3154.0324 3154.0324 7 4 19 49015.8947 26985.2518 60 17240.4833 26557.3834 26557.3834
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As proof of concept, see the actual combined n, mean and sd values in J2:O11 for the example study data in K13:N32.
See the important notes in the textbox near X8. Referring to the math formulas at :
A. For Method 1, σ^2 refers to the "population" std dev (STDEVP).
It can be coverted for the "sample" std dev (STDEV), usually denoted by s,
by replacing σ^2 with s^2*(N-1)/N and by multiplying num/denom by (N1+N2)/(N1+N2-1).
Algebraically, this is equivalent to:
1. Change the numerator to: (N1-1)*s1^2 + N1*d1^2 + (N2-1)*s2^2 + N2*d2^2
2. And change the denominator to: N1+N2-1
Refer to the formula for G5 in the "stdev" worksheet.
B. For Method 2, σ^2 refers to the "sample" std dev (STDEV), usually denoted by s .
It can be converted for the "population" std dev (STDEVP) by replacing σ^2 with σ^2*N/(N-1)
and by multiplying num/denom by (N1+N2-1)/(N1+N2). Algebraically, this is equiivalent to:
1. Replace N1-1 with N1 and N2-1 with N2 in the numerator
2. And replace N1+N2-1 with N1+N2 in the denominator
3. Also, x1^2 + x2^2 - 2*x1*x2 can be simplified to (x1-x2)^2, as shg did
Refer to the formula for H5 in the "stdevp" worksheet.
PS.... If you do not like the idea of iterative calculations in columns E:H, we could provide a VBA function that can referenced in a single cell. I don't have time to implement that now. But would that appeal to you?