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Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

  1. #1
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    Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    I would like to do the following with measuring data:
    1) Each row contains a set of data
    2) For each row of data, I want to make a reference to a range of other rows
    3) For each row of data, I want to calculate the average over this associated range of other rows
    4) So far I can manage this, but I would like to make the formula "spill" over the entire target array, so I don't have to worry about updating formulas when rows of data are inserted in the middle etc.

    E.g., this could be a set of measuring data with multiple zero values taken on several instances, where I want to specify which range of zero values that should be associated to each row, but I have other applications as well (all for interpolating).
    Value 1st pr 0 Last pr 0 1st suc 0 last suc 0 <pr 0> <suc 0> zero corrected
    0 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,03 -0,03
    0,1 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,07 0,03
    5,0 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,10 4,90
    5,1 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,13 4,97
    10,2 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,17 10,03
    10,2 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,20 10,00
    0,2 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,23 -0,03
    0,3 1 2 7 8 0,05 0,25 0,27 0,03
    0,0 9 10 ... ... ... ... ... ...
    0,0 9 10 ... ... ... ... ... ...

    The example Excel sheet shows the four calculating approaches I've tried so far, where every attempt to make the formula spill, using ranges like B2:B19 or G2# as parameters, has failed.
    (Note that the example sheet has different row referrals, because I wanted a little more data for the example calculations.)

    All my other columns in the calculations rely on "spill" so it could be a risk if one column suddenly needs manual updating. I also tried to find appropriate Control-Shift-Enter (CSE) formulas instead, but ran into the same problems there.
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    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-21-2021 at 05:53 AM. Reason: should have given graphic example

  2. #2
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Could you tell us why 2-4 start from row 2 to row 13, and 14-16 starts from row 14?
    Also, why 2 & 4 and 14 & 16?
    Quang PT

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebo021999 View Post
    Could you tell us why 2-4 start from row 2 to row 13, and 14-16 starts from row 14?
    Also, why 2 & 4 and 14 & 16?
    (Note: These details refer to the example sheet for the calculations, not the graphic example which I included in my edited post to show my goal but where I decided to keep the number of rows to a minimum - thus with different figures)

    For each row in the range 2:13, I want to put the average of the values fetched from rows 2:4. This will be my preceding zero value for correction of measured values with interpolated zero.
    In additional columns, I will do the same calculations for the average of the values fetched from rows 11:13 which will be the succeeding zero, but I didn't include that in the example sheet as that will be a simple copy/paste job. In the example sheet, I wanted to focus on the numerical aspect and show all different numerical approaches that I tried so far.

    From row 14, I have reset the zero level and thus any consecutive values will have the average of values in rows 14:16 as preceding zero value instead. That is why there will be new row referral numbers from here.

    I hope this is clear enough I updated the example sheet with some coloring and a comment about the zero-level reset.
    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-21-2021 at 06:42 AM.

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    My primitive solution for the moment is to accept up to 6 measurements of zero.
    In order for that to work, I have 6 dynamic array columns where I put up to 6 zero values (starting with the left row reference and containing "" if the row number exceeds the right reference),
    and then a seventh column calculating (col1#+col2#+col3#+col4#+col5#+col6#)/(endrow#-startrow#+1) so I get my mean in a dynamic formula at least.
    But that gives me 7 columns for the preceding zero and 7 columns for the succeeding zero as well as 14 columns for time, as I do time-based interpolation.
    With a more general solution (I guess there has to be some...) I could have 4 columns for this instead of 28...

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    I cannot follow this at all. Partly because there are too many words and partly because there are too many non-working formulae all over the place.

    Strip it RIGHT back to basics. Delete everything except the column you want to average and then unambiguously define the parameters.

    1. You want a average from contiguous regions of column A. Yes?? No??

    2. What defines the START of each range (it might be that the criterion is zero...)

    3. What defines the END of each range (it might be 3 rows down from the zero...)

    In all 3 cases. What is the loigc?

    None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn Kennedy View Post
    I cannot follow this at all. Partly because there are too many words and partly because there are too many non-working formulae all over the place.

    Strip it RIGHT back to basics. Delete everything except the column you want to average and then unambiguously define the parameters.

    1. You want a average from contiguous regions of column A. Yes?? No??

    2. What defines the START of each range (it might be that the criterion is zero...)

    3. What defines the END of each range (it might be 3 rows down from the zero...)

    In all 3 cases. What is the loigc?
    Firstly, thank you for your interest in helping me! I hope I will be able to find another way to express my intentions and also ask some questions to make sure we understand each other.

    I think we have a misunderstanding here, caused by some Excel compatibility problem. You say I have non-working formulae - whereas for me all formulae are giving the desired results. Thus, you got the impression that I'm asking about columns B and C, but these are manual input, although entered array-wise as {=ROW($A$2)} etcetera (so that I can insert rows without having to update the row numbers).
    For some reason, the formulae in columns B and C are not working for you - is this correct?

    I attach a new Excel sheet which is basically the same, but where I have plain values for columns B and C, so we can focus on the solution for column D.

    Addressing your specific questions:
    1. Yes. In column D (in the example sheet), I want averages from regions of column A. For each row, this region is defined by columns B and C in the form of row number.

    2+3. The START and END of each range are manual input in columns B and C. I would need far more words to explain the logic, but I give it a try in italic below although I believe this doesn't affect the solution to my problem:
    The criterion for START is that "from this row on, we have a new starting point for interpolation of some parameter that cannot be monitored at the same time as other measured parameters". This might be zero-level check, or zero-adjustment (which means preceding zeros above should be excluded!) or, in other applications than baseline-interpolation, something like new velocity level checked between measurements of another parameter. Accordingly, the END of each range is the last row over which to take this average. It might be START row + 2, but I want to keep this more general.

    Does the new Excel sheet work for you?

    I'm working in Excel 365 and what I am looking for is a formula that will calculate
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    but I want the formula to "spill" over to cells downwards. Thus AVERAGE cannot be used in the normal way, as this will take the average over the entire range and give one resulting value, instead of an array. I gave formulae for several approaches that still cannot "spill" in columns E, F, H and I. Do these work for you now - and do you know how to write a formula that can "spill" giving the same results?
    I really hope that you don't see the swedish function names. Like so many others, I'm of the opinion that Microsoft should never have offered anything but the english function names...
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    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-26-2021 at 02:40 AM. Reason: typo

  7. #7
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    In the sample file in post #6, i understand set of row 3 and 5 from row 3-11. But A12-A14, which is 0.2,0.3,0.3, with 3 preceding zeros, why did not row 12:14 refer to 12 and 14?

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebo021999 View Post
    In the sample file in post #6, i understand set of row 3 and 5 from row 3-11. But A12-A14, which is 0.2,0.3,0.3, with 3 preceding zeros, why did not row 12:14 refer to 12 and 14?
    The "preceding zeros" for those rows are 0.0, 0.1 and 0.0 (from row 3:5). I will have additional columns for the "concluding zeros" which will be 0.2, 0.3 and 0.3 for the entire range 3:14, but the principle will be identical, so I omitted that. My question is how to obtain, on each row, the average from column A, for the range fetched from columns B and C, using range arguments so the formula will "spill".
    I already do the interpolation x=x0+(x1-x0)/(t1-t0)*(t-t0) - where x0 and x1 as well as t0 and t1 (for a time column) are these desired "preceding" and "concluding" averages - using formulae with arguments of type A3#, it is just the averaging of a specified range for which I haven't found a satisfactory formula. (So for the moment, I've temporarily settled for allowing up to 6 columns, which makes my sheet unnecessarily large but at least allows me to stick to "spill" formulae, so I can insert rows without having to worry about updating formulae)

    The problem is that functions like AVERAGE already take a range as argument, and thus, at best, interpret my request as if I want the average over the total range of ranges. Please see the attempts I made in columns E to I. For me, they all give the correct results, but they are not of "spill" type.
    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-25-2021 at 06:30 AM.

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    I wonder if this row-by-row average maybe can be achieved using the SUBTOTAL function?

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    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebo021999 View Post
    In the sample file in post #6, i understand set of row 3 and 5 from row 3-11. But A12-A14, which is 0.2,0.3,0.3, with 3 preceding zeros, why did not row 12:14 refer to 12 and 14?
    Still waiting reply for this

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebo021999 View Post
    Still waiting reply for this
    The answer to that question is: row 12:14 still belong to the first set of measurements, or should we say "trajectory", with the first set of "preceding zeros" 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 marking the START of this trajectory.
    If it wasn't for the zero adjustment after 0.2, 0.3 and 0.3 (with new zeros for the next trajectory), it would have been arbitrary to view rows 12:14 as the end of the first trajectory or the beginning of the next one, but because of the zero adjustment back to 0.0/-0.1 we will have a new trajectory (for interpolation) from there.

    There WILL in fact be a reference in rows 12:14 to rows 12:14 as well, but that is for the "concluding zeros", marking the END of the trajectory. So row 12:14 will have references to both 3:5 (preceding zeros) and 12:14 (containing the concluding zeros). However, the formula for averaging the concluding zeros will be "identical" to the formula for averaging the preceding zeros, so I thought I did exactly what is asked of me in the forum: strip the sheet to a minimum, only asking for help with the formula in column D (and including some example formulae in columns E:I that illustrate where I got stuck).
    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-26-2021 at 10:06 AM.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Are they alway group of (0,0,1) or (0,0,-1) with 2 zero's and 1 (or -1)?

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebo021999 View Post
    Are they alway group of (0,0,1) or (0,0,-1) with 2 zero's and 1 (or -1)?
    No, these are measurements and reflect that there is some fluctuation when I measure the zeros. That is exactly why I take several values and want to take the average. This is done before and after other measurements, so that is why I have "preceding zeros" and "succeeding zeros" for each trajectory. For each row, I will interpolate between the preceding zero average and the succeeding zero average, under the assumption that any drift is linear with time. But when asking for help, I thought it would do to only show the "preceding zeros" columns.
    As you can also see in the example sheet, it could as well be (0.2,0.3,0.3) or even worse after longer time if the drift is large. That is why, from time to time, I reset the zero to an acceptable level (like 0.0, 0.0, -0.1 in the example), which marks a new trajectory. Therefore, rows 3:14 will refer to rows 3:5 for the preceding zeros (and to 12:14 for the succeeding/ending zeros).

    For each row in this first trajectory, I want to calculate the average of A3:A5 in column D, but would like to do so with a generalised array formula that for trajectory 2 instead calculates the average of A15:A17 etc - following the input in columns B and C. For this sake, please regard columns A, B and C as totally illogical and random. I just want an array formula that in column D calculates the average of a range of values in column A given by input in columns B and C for each row.

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    Re: Spill/array formula to calculate average for specified ranges?

    So my question boils down to:
    Is there any way to create an array formula, which, from input ranges A3#, B3# and C3#, creates (by "spilling") a fourth range D3# with values corresponding for each row to the average of "A"&TEXT(B3#,"0")&":A"&TEXT(C3#,"0") ? (where A3# could stand for e.g. A3:A1000 etc)
    (The problem being that the AVERAGE function, and many others already taking a range as input parameter, will bunch together all ranges to one and return a single value instead of a range)

    Is it possible to delete this entire thread and start over with a new thread that also could be helpful to others? I think this thread is a little clogged with details as to why I want this formula, so that even if we come to a solution that helps me, it would've been nicer for the community if we had a clean thread.
    Last edited by ErikBerger; 01-27-2021 at 07:28 AM.

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