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Countifs - Ignoring irrelevant data

  1. #1
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    Countifs - Ignoring irrelevant data


    I may be struggling with a first day back at work brain but I'm struggling to think of how to structure a formula.

    What I need to do (Using the example attached) is count all the CAT3s but only from sites A,B and C. I need it to ignore D,E and F.

    If I was doing it for a single site then it would just be

    =COUNTIFS(B3:B25,"Site A",C3:C25,"CAT3")

    But I want to widen the criteria in column B but ignore parts thereof.

    This is just test example data and part of a larger formula but I'm struggling at the first part!
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Bo_Ry's Avatar
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    Re: Countifs - Ignoring irrelevant data

    Please try

    =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIFS(B3:B25,{"Site A","Site B","Site C"},C3:C25,"CAT3"))

    or A,B,C is less than D

    =COUNTIFS(B3:B25,"<Site D",C3:C25,"CAT3")
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  3. #3
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    Re: Countifs - Ignoring irrelevant data

    Thanks, the first part worked a treat and I was able to include it the rest of the formula to work fine.

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