I have an Excel 2019 file with two worksheets.
- 1st worksheet contains raw transaction data (purchases in mutual funds)
- 2nd worksheet contains a PIVOT TABLE that creates a fund-wise column of the transaction data against various dates
I'm now trying to calculate XIRR for each fund, at the bottom of the pivot table.
The XIRR function expects non-blank data in the first cell of each column. Due to this, the XIRR function is working where the 1st cell contains data, but doesn't work where the 1st cell is blank.
Since I'm using a pivot table, it is not possible that each fund will have a transaction in the first cell itself.
What can I do with the XIRR formula so that it ignores the blank cells at the beginning of each column, and starts calculating when it encounters a non-blank value.
I have attached the sample excel file, and a screenshot too.