Hi everyone, this is my first post here. So let me explain everyone what I'm doing right now.

spreadsheet help.JPG

So as you can see here in the screenshot I uploaded. I'm trying to do a formula with just 3 filters that are in the top (the data validation ones), so those are: Owner, could be "Josh, "Evan" or "Blank" which means, both of them; Open Position, this cannot be blank, should be "no" or "yes"; last but not least, Trading Month, so which means the months of records in the trading platform. Right now we have been trading for almost 6 months. So the options in that could be month 1 - 6 or even "blank", so it could be a sum of all the records we have.

This formula should be apply to the first 4 columns, starting with Bought QTY Column. And to be honest, it could be just with the Column Bought QTY I can try and figure it out for the other columns.

So I know I can make like a big formula just with multiple IFS (like I'm doing with my formula in the top of the screenshot), but it could take me a lot of time just doing a specific formula for each case. Because there is a lot of cases that could be, because of the amount of filters we have.

data example.JPG

And that last screenshot is an example of the data I have in other tab.