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Issue : VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) not looking a pass "."

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Issue : VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) not looking a pass "."

    Is this is so? That Vlookup / Xlookup doesn't look passed a period (.).

    I want to search in a string (array of strings) the file extension.

    So I have the following table.

    Anti-Slip Material Research.pptx
    Results of DPB pallet matetial analysis.pptx
    Mechanical Properties.xlsx
    Materials Information.pptx
    Overview tilo crates (colors).xlsx
    Overall Planning.pdf
    Overall Planning.vsdx
    afspraak Anti stick MB tbv verkleuring.msg
    Afspraken van afgelopen week 5-2015 .msg
    Anti Stick voorstel(Lawrence) tbv grijsschaal probleem.msg
    AW Was anlage ( fuer anti stick und ICE label).msg
    bondingtest .msg
    Colomn test antistick material .msg
    Droptest antistick nr 1 en 2 .msg
    Foto's Quv.msg
    FW  .msg
    And I want to search for file extension and return the cell value.
    Meaning if I search for ".pdf" I should get all the value that has a .pdf in this case it is Overall Planning.pdf
    But Vlookup/Xlookup can't handle this. They stop "search the string" left to the '.' period sign.

    I use the following formula I get the values I want.
    How I want to condens the result removing 'blank' cells.

    I want to learn how to fix or help with this use for VLOOKUP/Xlookup not reading pas a period sign '.'.


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Issue : VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) not looking a pass "."

    You can use wildcard characters with VLOOKUP (and a few other functions), so you could do this:

    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP("*"&B2,A:A,1,0),"not found")

    assuming B2 contains ".pdf".

    Hope this helps.


    EDIT: change the commas ( , ) to semicolons ( ; ) if your regional settings expect that.

  3. #3
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    Re: Issue : VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) not looking a pass "."

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete_UK View Post
    You can use wildcard characters with VLOOKUP (and a few other functions), so you could do this:

    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP("*"&B2,A:A,1,0),"not found")

    assuming B2 contains ".pdf".

    Hope this helps.


    EDIT: change the commas ( , ) to semicolons ( ; ) if your regional settings expect that.
    So am I right that it can't search with that "wildcard character" without ""?

    Thanks that help.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Issue : VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) not looking a pass "."

    The normal operation for VLOOKUP is to find a match in the lookup_range, by seeing if the sought_item exists in one of the cells of that range. However, by using wildcard characters you can check to see if the sought_item is contained within one of the cells (as a sub-string). You can add the wildcard character(s) before the sought_item (as in this case), so it will look for a match at the end of the string, or you can add it to the end, in which case it will check to see if any cells begin with the sought_item, or you can add it to both ends, in which case you will be looking to see if the sought_item exists anywhere within the cells of the lookup_range. Thus, you have that flexibility to search for sub-strings.

    Hope this helps, and thanks for the rep.

    If that takes care of your original question, please take a moment to select Thread Tools from the menu above and to the right of your first post in this thread, and mark the thread as SOLVED.


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