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A formula to return values for financial statements isn't working

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    A formula to return values for financial statements isn't working

    (I'm Dutch, so sorry for spelling mistakes and/or unclear statement about the code)

    I want to put together a financial oversight or balance sheet for myself so that I can keep my income and spendings in check. I found a formula in an already existing spreadsheet made by a business, but they only had a spreadsheet on a yearly basis, whilst I want to have a spreadsheet seperated into different tabs(every tab being a different month) with my day to day income and spendings.

    The original formula is:

    =-IF(ISBLANK($F14);;SUM.IFS(Transacties!$E:$E;Transacties!$B:$B;$F14; ARRAYFORMULA(MONTH(Transacties!$C:$C));MONTH(H$4)))

    Transacties!$E:$E refering to the column of amount of the transactions in euro's in the transactions tab.

    Transacties!$B:$B refering to the column of types of transactions (e.g. income, repairs, travel costs).

    $F14 in the balance tab refering to the type of transaction to compare if it matches up with the transactions tab.

    Transactions!$C:$C is the date given in the transactions sheet

    and probably kinda obviously H$4 in the balance tab is to compare it to the transactions tab.

    My formula is as follows:


    In my sheet Transacties!$D:$D is the amount.

    Transacties!$C:$C the type of transaction.

    K$2 the comparator.

    Transacties!$E:$E the date.

    $K4 the comparator for the date.

    But upon trying out my formula it's telling me "Matrixarguments for SUM.IFS have different sizes"

    Thanks in advance, I've been trying to figure it out on my own, but I can't for the life of me.

    I've posted this on another forum and r/spreadsheets as well and I got referred to this site. I know it's spreadsheets and not Excel, but I was hoping someone could help me either way
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    Last edited by Flame_Bird; 11-29-2020 at 12:31 PM.

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