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Calculating average hours per week

  1. #1
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    Calculating average hours per week

    I am trying to calculate average number of hours each employee work throughout this year. I have data in hours worked each day. Is there any formula I can put in column O so I can see which employee is working how many hours per week on an average? As different employees working different number of hours.

    I added a formula in cell G2 and G3 to calculate number of weeks but not sure if its counting correctly as I used networkdays formula so saturdays and sundays are excluded. Excel file is attached. I have data on one tab and if any formula can be added directly to the data, that would be great as well.

    Thanks a lot for helping me with this. Sincerely appreciate it.
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    Last edited by Raehan; 11-24-2020 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Bo_Ry's Avatar
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    Re: Calculating average hours per week

    For 5 workdays per week, use Average hour/days * 5

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  3. #3
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    Re: Calculating average hours per week

    Thanks, that was helpful. Is there a way to identify employee ids for those who work same number of hours every week. What formula will be helpful to find that out? For example:

    Employee 006014329
    works 7 hours each day, therefore, this employee works consistently same work schedule every week However,

    E mployee 400282070
    des not work same number of hours every week.

    So what I am trying to get is what employee ids work same number of hours every week consistently. Do we need to organise the pivot table so it shows that way or is there a formula that can be added to identify these people.

    Last edited by Raehan; 11-24-2020 at 04:06 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Calculating average hours per week

    Anyone else wanna jump in? Just trying to find how many folks have been working how many hours consistently. Let me know if there's any clarifications needed.

    Thanks a lot.


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