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Copy/Paste *values* from equation data on a separate sheet in the same workbook

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    Exclamation Copy/Paste *values* from equation data on a separate sheet in the same workbook


    I am trying to learn more about VBA / Index & Match, as well as other options to look up data in adjacent sheets in my workbook, but I am encountering trouble. I am attempting to do the following:

    1) Copy specific cells (P2 : W2) although, not in that order. I would have to extract each cell individually
    2) Paste those values in specific cells in another sheet (Q2 Sheet 2, to P20 Sheet 1 + R2 Sheet 2, to Q20 Sheet 1, etc.)
    - I imagine if a single example is shown, I can map the function to the other cells necessary

    The major difficulty I am encountering is 1) Avoiding volatility (Want to avoid Offset 2) Difficulty writing the function itself & 3) Difficulty copying then pasting specifically the values from Sheet 2, not the equations themselves. For clarity, I am running on a Mac. I learned of a way to circumvent #3 using windows, but it isn't applicable as far as I know for Mac (In a single string, because I want to avoid right-clicking then pasting special)

    Any help would be sincerely appreciated!

    Thank you
    Last edited by SapphireZulu; 11-19-2020 at 11:05 AM. Reason: I am editing this to simply include interest in using the Index function if possible

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