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Using median with multiple conditions

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    Using median with multiple conditions

    I was using a formula which returned the median value of a number of entries based on a specific risk and objective for a given PM code, which worked quite happily (B4 to B12).

    However if I want to do the same specific risk and objective but I want to include 2 PM codes the formula seems to fall apart as you can see in B3. The formula just ignores the PM part and calculate the median for ALL low-medium income entries rather than just those with TWW or JSW as the PM code.

    So in simple terms I would like to know what the formula is to calculate the median value of the entries for a low-medium income 12with JSW or TWW as their PM code ,the answer should be -3.69.

    Many thanks in advance.
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    Last edited by jcswaby; 10-02-2020 at 06:35 PM.

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