I have two IF formulas that I would like to combine - please see attached excel doc.
If C2 = "Blue" =IF(E2="","",IF(((((((B2*(C2-2))*1.02)/(E2-1))/1.02)+(-B2))+(B2))/(B2)<0.65,"NO BET",((C2-1)/(E2-F2)*B2)))
If C2 = "Green" =IF(E3="","",IF(((((((B3*(C3-2))*1.02)/(E3-1))/1.02)+(-B3))+(B3))/(B3)<0.65,"NO BET",(C3/(E3-F3)*B3)))
The formulas are the same up until after "NO BET". I would like this to be one formula only so that I can change value C2 and it calculates correctly.
Many thanks, Alexya
Cross-posted https://www.mrexcel.com/board/thread...mulas.1144659/