I've been looking at this for the last couple of hours. I am posting here to get another set of eyes on it and attaching a sample with altered locations but the same data in sheet1 columns K through T. My formulas in the attached are in sheet2 and data in sheet1 and to keep it similar I only used columns A and K through T.
This was my working formula until I updated the workbook this morning.
=SUMPRODUCT(('Contributing Factors'!$A$2:$A$7488=$D$2)*('Contributing Factors'!$K$2:$T$7488=$C870))
This is in my attachment and also returning #NAME?
in col A of sheet1 is the name that matches what is in D2.
in columns K through T are the items I'm looking to count that matches what is in cell C2.
Every month the new data has a different count from the prior month.
So last month there were 4370 rows. This month 4337 rows. I always included extra rows in the formula but not whole columns (because I don't like using named tables).
So I paste over the existing data and if there are fewer rows this month I just highlight and hit delete.
This morning I right clicked and used delete rows which of course changes the rows included in the formulas that reference them.
That is the only difference I did this morning that I have not done in the past.
Right now I'm just using a multiple countifs formula doing the counts column by column and adding them.
I am using similar sumproduct formulas elsewhere and none of them are returning #NAME?
Usually that shows up when you misspell a formula like sunproduct.