My work requires me to have a spreadsheet of students and the universities that they study in, the catch is that we already have a list of universities with a standardized naming convention with a code for each university in order to aid easy transition of the csv file on to our Applicant Tracking system. Now this work takes a lot of manual effort as we first need to lookup the candidate on LinkedIn - Find the university name - check how is it named in our convention and then enter the same. (We're talking about 26k candidates approximately). An example would be a person studying in Oxford University would have the university name - Oxford University - 0911. And the standardized versions of the university names are available in tab2. Is there any way how I would be able to automate this? Is there any excel function that will allow me to just enter oxford university and it will throw me possible matches of standardized names from tab 2?

My sheet(on which I would be extracting information from say LinkedIn) can have various naming conventions as people would populate it but my aim here I would want the closest possible standardized convention. Which means even If I enter Oxford University in one cell and University of Oxford in another- I want the standardized convention (Oxford University - 0911) to be populated next to it. Not sure if Im clear here but I would want something that sort of picks on the word 'Oxford' and throws possible matches to choose from the sheet2 that has standardized names