I am currently trying to calculate how many streams we had each month.
In the file we have some data extracted from Twitch. I column P it tells the number of minutes we have streamed. Those are the columns I wish to show in a chart later on.
Therefor I want to give each stream we did a number in column B. So basically a column B will show if the row is the first or the X' stream of the month.
Each 2 weeks we will download the last 14 days insights from Twitter and add them to the Excel file.
I tried something with a formula I found here on the forum, but that formula gives all the max number of the above cells
Is it possible to add another variable that would take column A (Month) in account?
So the formula would calculate that if P<>0 it would give me the max number (B) of that month (A) and add 1 to that.
Hopefully it is kind of clear what I am trying to do here.
Thanks in advance