I don't see any columns labeled Values, Totals or Key nor do I see any entries that look like oh132 in the file attached to post #6.
I am pretty sure you are not using Excel 97 as the .xlsx file format was introduced with the 2007 version (prior to that Excel used the .xls file format).
As for the formula, I feel that it could read (as Ali suggests):
=IFERROR(SUMIFS('Edited Data'!$E$2:$E$5000,'EDGE Data'!$V$2:$V$5000,2,'EDGE Data'!$P2:$P5000,$C40),"")
As there is nothing in columns P nor V of the EDGE Data sheet I can not test. It would also be helpful to see at least one manually calculated result with which to compare the result of the formula.
Let us know if you have any questions.