This is kind of a time sensitive question. Although, if you find this thread days after I post it I would still appreciate your input.

The issue is simple:

I have one tab with Lead IDs and another tab with Call records with a Lead ID column

The problem is that the lead IDs can be almost identical with the exception of a single letter case difference (i.e. - 'A' instead of 'a')

The goal is the find the longest call made to each Lead ID. (The call duration is in the Call tab.)

I need a MAX or MAXIFS that is Case Sensitive.

I know how to write a case sensitive COUNTIF using SUMPRODUCT.
And I know how to write a general lookup using an array formula and a combination of INDEX, MATCH, & EXACT.

But combing MAX or MAXIFS with EXACT has proven quite a hill to climb.

If you know of any way to find the Maximum value in one column based on an exact case sensitive match in a different column I would really appreciate the help.

FYI: the following was my best attempt at solving this...


it did not work...and I don't know why.