Hi all
I have a timeline just about working about from one thing.
Row 10 column F & G look to be working they show on the timeline and correct colour but for the rest they appear the right colours but on the wrong row, they all need to appear on row 10.
Columns N & O seem to be working correctly which is good and it just seems to be the conditional format on the timeline getting information from columns H to M which is not working making the bars appear on the wrong lines.
Plus columns Q and R are colouring as well which isn't right but that is due to the above not working right I think!
Can anyone help?- It's probably a really easy conditional format formula fix that I don't know how to do
Let me know if I need to explain better? the conditionals are in column Q
I think im erroring here: =AND($L8>=Q$5,$M8<R$5) these are wrong in conditional format in timeline