Could someone ell me what is the Excel cell formula would be for calculating total miles x 0.45 up to 10,000 miles and 0.25 miles afterwards so that the calculation for cost auto-changes to 0.25% once the 10,000 miles limit arrives on the spreadsheet and the 0.45 pence no longer applies at 10,001 miles. Surely there is a way of doing this automatically rather than sub-dividing one trip that take you from, say 9,827 miles to 10,002 miles, which may be hard to find if I have a long column of total mileages. Thanks.

I am starting with cell B6 to input my 06 April total mileage then adding daily mileages each day. I can work out and apply how to do the 0.45 pence bit alone (i.e. =B6*0.45), but not what to write in the code to auto change it from the get
go at B6 once 10,000 is reached. I 'm trying to avoid manually re-writing the code once I reach 10000 miles because for a high mileage driver that point could be hard to find on the sheet with multiple entries. So could someone write out the whole formulae for me, please so that I can use the same code throughout the spreadsheet.

Please could i have the solution I ask for, not some variation or suggestion on how to get round the problem doing it crudely or manually or a suggestion that I can just wait until I reach 10,000 miles and sub-divide a trip that might otherwise have take me from 9856-10006 miles = total miles 150. I am only inputting total miles anyway, not trip start and stop mileometer readings, some of which might incorporate private use anyway. I don't do my figures that way.
