Hi everyone,
Searched this forum and couldn't find a solution.
I am trying to create an absence tracker.
Have several types of absence.
Have multiple periods.
Have multiple employees.
What formula would you suggest here.
I have:
What I am trying to achieve is:
criteria:- Search absence period: dynamic (drop down)
- Search absence type: dynamic (drop down)
- Search employee: dynamic (drop down)
records of absence:always between dates
outcome:count number of days of absence
if absence starts on or after given month start date, and
if absence ends on or before given month end date
if absence belongs to employee X
if absence is of type X
further outcome:if there are absences which started before given month and ended before month end or after month end
then count them as well.
workbook attached.
Hope you can guide me thank youCapture1.PNG