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Place values (0s and 1s) into desired columns (column L,M,N and O)

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    Place values (0s and 1s) into desired columns (column L,M,N and O)

    Looking for formula to place values (0s and 1s) into column L,M,N and O. Data Table is from A1:H83.

    For column N heading (Before-After Tax) and O heading (Before-After Employee Tax Deduction), formula should be setup to look into column G (Employee Name), i (Status 2) and place 1 in column N and 1 in column O if G column has a name in it and column i has "After". If there is no name in column G (Employee Name) and there is "After" in column i, formula should be setup to return blank.

    Column L (Most Sales) and M (Non-Sales), formula should be setup to look into column G (Employee Name), i (Status 2), J (Sales City Occurrence) and column K (Sales Type) and place 0 in column L (Most Sales) and 1 in column M (Non-Sales) if G column has a name in it , column i has "Before", column J has number greater than 1 and column K has only B in it. If column J (Sales City Occurrence) has only 1 has its number value, formula should return 1 in column L and M. If there is no name in column G (Employee Name), there is "Before" in column i and there is A in column K, formula should be setup to return blank.

    Also need a formula (non-array (without CTRL + ALT + ENTER) is preferred to reduce computing time due to over 50,000 rows of data) to return Sales City Occurrence in column J (it is manually entered but will like a formula to return this value for just year 1999 through 2001 using column C Sales Year heading (C2:C83).

    See sample attached file.

    Last edited by bjnockle; 04-05-2020 at 03:05 PM.

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