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I need a VLOOKUP function to give me multiple outputs in different cells

  1. #1
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    I need a VLOOKUP function to give me multiple outputs in different cells

    i need help getting a function to do what i need.I have a VLOOKUP function working across multiple sheets and it works great, however i need it to do more things for me.
    what i have so far
    =IFNA(VLOOKUP($N6,'springfield dc returns'!$C$3:$G$527,5,FALSE),"")

    This works great for searching the other sheet and returning my tracking numbers, however i need it to leave alone fields that already have something in them if it does not find the match.
    I also need it to give me a "YES" or "NO" answer in another column and also put additional text in another column if it does find the result.

    For example:
    if it finds the serial number in the 'springfield dc returns' sheet input the serial number in proper cell(it does this already) then in $W6 input "YES" (if found) or "NO (if not found) and then if found also in $U6 put "RETURNED TO SPRINGFIELD DC AND SHIPPED"

    on a side note i could also really use this to search another sheet if not found in dc returns and basically do the same thing.

    any help would be amazing, Thanks in advance
    Last edited by bjones148; 03-05-2020 at 12:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: I need a VLOOKUP function to give me multiple outputs in different cells

    if it finds the serial number in the 'springfield dc returns' sheet input the serial number in proper cell(it does this already) then in $W6 input "YES" (if found) or "NO (if not found) and then if found also in $U6 put "RETURNED TO SPRINGFIELD DC AND SHIPPED"
    in W6
    =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($N6,'springfield dc returns'!$C$3:$G$527,5,FALSE),"NO","YES")
    would be one way
    in U6
    =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($N6,'springfield dc returns'!$C$3:$G$527,5,FALSE),"NO","YES")
    =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($N6,'springfield dc returns'!$C$3:$G$527,5,FALSE),"","RETURNED TO SPRINGFIELD DC AND SHIPPED")

    Rather than do the lookup each time, you could test the cell the result is returned to

    IF( Cell with lookup = "" , "NO" , "YES")
    IF( Cell with lookup = "" , "" , "RETURNED TO SPRINGFIELD DC AND SHIPPED")
    if my assistance has helped, and only if you wish to , there is an "* Add Reputation" on the left hand side - you can add to my reputation here

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