Hello all,
I just joined a company as HR manager. There are about 1000 people in our payroll and I want to know who is related to who. Where I live, a requirement to be hired is to provide all your IDs and from these IDs I managed to make a spreadsheet similar to the one attached. It contains these columns:
Person Father's Name Grand Father's Name Great Grandfather's name Last Name Mother's Name Maternal Grandfather's Name Maternal Greafather's Name Mother's Maiden Name (Mother's Last Name)
I want to identify
1- Brothers
2- Paternal Cousins
3- People who share the same Paternal grandfather
4- Maternal Cousins
5- People who share the same Maternal grandmother
Note: In the list I attached you will find dummy names so there might not be real connections. In the spreadsheet I have, there are almost 1000 employees. Most of them are family. Identifying them is essential for the corporate.
Can excel support this sort of data filtering using formulas?