i need help getting a function to do what i need.I have a VLOOKUP function working across multiple sheets and it works great, however i need it to do more things for me.
what i have so far
=IFNA(VLOOKUP($N6,'springfield dc returns'!$C$3:$G$527,5,FALSE),"")
This works great for searching the other sheet and returning my tracking numbers, however i need it to leave alone fields that already have something in them if it does not find the match.
I also need it to give me a "YES" or "NO" answer in another column and also put additional text in another column if it does find the result.
For example:
if it finds the serial number in the 'springfield dc returns' sheet input the serial number in proper cell(it does this already) then in $W6 input "YES" (if found) or "NO (if not found) and then if found also in $U6 put "RETURNED TO SPRINGFIELD DC AND SHIPPED"
on a side note i could also really use this to search another sheet if not found in dc returns and basically do the same thing.
any help would be amazing, Thanks in advance