Looking for an elegant way to handle tiered pricing.
In other words, if you buy <10, your price is $x. But if you buy 11-25, the price is $y, and if you buy 26-50, the price is $z.
This seems to be pretty simple, but doing it is taking on the form of nested IFs.
Something like that. The problem is that the list is rather long, and I'd much rather have a way to look it up instead of having to fix a bunch of nested IFs every time the prices change. What I'd prefer would be a lookup table, where I can say something like, "If the value is between C1:C20 to D1:D20, then the price is E1:E20" (with each individual lookup being on the same row.)
I think it should be do-able through some sort of VLOOKUP, but I don't know how to do it.
Any thoughts?