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Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

  1. #1
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    Post Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Hi there!

    I have a pilot's logbook spreadsheet that I have made. The workbook is made up of multiple sheets, one per year (i.e. 2007, 2008, 2009, etc.) and then one summary sheet. On the summary sheet, I am trying to figure out how to make a rolling total of the flying hours of the last 12 months, 6 months, 3 months and 1 month. I can't figure out how to do it not only over multiple sheets but also over multiple columns in the sum range (I need to sum from M4:Z200). I would like the totals to automatically update every day as time progresses. The dates for each flight are contained within cell C, which is a date formatted to show as a day of the week.

    This is my first time using this forum, I apologise if there isn't enough detail, I will gladly add more if needed!

    Thank you in advance for your help.
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Welcome to the forum.

    Which 'newest' version of Excel do you have? 2016? 2019? 365 subscription? Please update your profile accordingly. If you have a recent version, why is the workbook in .xls format and not .xlsx?

    Your summary sheet is blank: please mock up manually what you are hoping to see there and attach again.
    Last edited by AliGW; 01-29-2020 at 02:11 AM.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Hi Ali,

    Apologies for that! It's an Office 365 subscription through a university. I have also reattached my spreadsheet, with the correct file format and information.

    Thank you!
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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Nearly there! You need to tell us the expected results (manually calculated) for the data as it currently stands. This is so that helpers can check that the solutions they offer are going to work for you.

  5. #5
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Third time is the charm! I'll get there eventually . Sorry about that.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    This somewhat assumes that the same number of rows will be used on the 2020 sheet as were used on the 2019 sheet. The following formulas may be pasted onto the Summary sheet.
    For cell A4: =SUM(SUMPRODUCT(('2019'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-12))*('2019'!$M4:$Z117)),SUMPRODUCT(('2020'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-12))*('2020'!$M4:$Z117)))
    For cell B4: =SUM(SUMPRODUCT(('2019'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-6))*('2019'!$M4:$Z117)),SUMPRODUCT(('2020'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-6))*('2020'!$M4:$Z117)))
    For cell C4: =SUM(SUMPRODUCT(('2019'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-3))*('2019'!$M4:$Z117)),SUMPRODUCT(('2020'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-3))*('2020'!$M4:$Z117)))
    For cell D4: =SUM(SUMPRODUCT(('2019'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-1))*('2019'!$M4:$Z117)),SUMPRODUCT(('2020'!$C4:$C117>=EDATE(TODAY(),-1))*('2020'!$M4:$Z117)))
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  7. #7
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Hi JeteMc,

    That is amazing! Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it!

    May I ask, because I am trying to learn as much about excel as possible, how you got the sumproduct to work from M:Z? My previous attempts at doing so gave me some form of error. I'm just wondering what is different in this one?

    Thank you again for your help!

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    Which error did you get?

  9. #9
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    Re: Rolling 12 month total over multiple worksheets and multiple sum columns

    You're Welcome and thank you for the feedback. I would need to see the formula that produced the error in order to help in that regard. Please take a moment to mark the thread as 'Solved' using the thread tools menu above your first post. I hope that you have a blessed day.

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