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Complex Usage of Concatenate Formula

  1. #1
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    Question Complex Usage of Concatenate Formula


    My current CRM gives me our list of contacts in a complex way that poses a challenge when trying to import the data to any email marketing program.

    I have attached 2 lists that show ways I am able to currently download the data, along with a "end result" sheet that shows the result of how I am trying to get this to work. Currently, all the services available to each user are separated in their own row, and this causes a lot of blank rows to be created. At the alternative, I can download Version 2, which just replicates the same information in columns A-C for each row where a new service is listed.

    The end result, ideally, would just list each unique person's email address in Column A, property name in column B, and then group the services available at those properties in column C that are currently being displayed separately (example in End Result spreadsheet).

    I was informed by one person that I can use the Concatenate function, however after reading more on that, I'm not sure how to apply this to my situation where there is not a consistent number of rows or pattern since some users have 5 services at their property where other users may have just 1 service at their property. On top of this challenge, my exportable list will have at least 5k unique users.

    I am at a loss and my head hurts trying to figure this out. To anyone who is able to kindly assist me with this complex problem I would be forever grateful!!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Complex Usage of Concatenate Formula

    If you really mean you're using Excel 2019, then your 2nd sample data would be easier to use. If it were in the same workbook as your results in a worksheet named Sample2, then with results beginning in another workbook in cell A21,

    A21: =Sample2!A2
    B21: =Sample2!B2
    C21: =TEXTJOIN(",",1,INDEX(Sample2!C$2:C$1000,D21):INDEX(Sample2!C$2:C$1000,D21+E21-1))
    D21: 1
    E21: =COUNTIF(Sample2!A$2:A$1000,A21)

    A22: =INDEX(Sample2!A$2:A$1000,$D22)
    B22: =INDEX(Sample2!B$2:B$1000,$D22)
    C22: =TEXTJOIN(",",1,INDEX(Sample2!C$2:C$1000,D22):INDEX(Sample2!C$2:C$1000,D22+E22-1))
    D22: =D21+E21
    E22: =COUNTIF(Sample2!A$2:A$1000,A22)

    A similar approach could be used with the first sample, but the formulas are more complicated/longer. Col A would show e-mail address, col B property name, col C comma-separated list of services, col D top row number in sample data (assumed beginning in row 2) for e-mail address in col A, and col E is the number of rows in sample data which the e-mail in col A appears. The key to the col C formulas is the TEXTJOIN function, which isn't available in Excel prior to Excel 2019.

    If you don't actually have Excel 2019, Excel Online provides TEXTJOIN and so does Google Sheets. So if you actually have an older version of Excel, you may need to use an online spreadsheet to do this.

    ADDED: If you don't have Excel 2019, you could use older versions, but different formulas. If sample 2 were in a worksheet named Sample2, add a column of formulas to it.

    D2: =IF(A2<>A1,C2,D1&","&C2)

    Fill D2 down as far as there's data in cols A to C.

    In the results worksheet, change the col C formulas to

    C21: =INDEX(Sample2!D$2:D$1000,D21+E21-1)

    Fill C21 down as far as needed.
    Last edited by hrlngrv; 01-22-2020 at 05:37 PM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Complex Usage of Concatenate Formula

    Thank you so much for your detailed response!

    I will check out all the instructions you kindly included here and revisit this.

    I cannot thank you enough!!

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