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Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    Once again, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to build an IF formula even when I think replacing the cells in the formulae and the column number is enough!

    Attached is a mock-up of original live sheet i have duplicated and removed personal data.

    "FIRM" tab has the data where the form in Sheet 1 will pull from. The Firm tab has formulae also but this works fine in the real sheet.

    1) when I type in an "order number" into C4 i'm trying to have the other data filled in based on that cell (all the cells filled in blue) - the data for these are all in "FIRM" and i have put in what I am expecting. They are all related to the same "order number". i.e. on the same row.

    I'm not sure if it possible for example to have a formula return in row 24, sheet 1, the first result related to the order number, and then the 2nd result in row 25 as two products have the same order number, which would be the case 'in real life'?

    I can't even start building the correct formula to get either one of these cells populated... please help?


    2) d24, d25 is based on f24, f25 where for example with product code 360-25, the "25" means 25kg. So if the code is 360-25 then d24 needs to multiply F24 by N30 (there is a key/legend table), same with codes with "16" and "10" in it...

    I plan to drag the formula down too.

    Obviously we don't have software that does this for us which is why I am here pleading for help!

    Please ask any questions as looking back at this, it looks complex but broken down looks doable...

    thank you in advance!
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-17-2020 at 04:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    For the Product Code you could try this array formula, i.e. entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, in B24 and copy it down.

    =IF(ROWS($B$24:B24)<=COUNTIF(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33, $C$4),INDEX(FIRM!$P$5:$P$33,AGGREGATE(15,3,((FIRM!$G$5:$G$33=$C$4)/(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33=$C$4)*ROW(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33))-ROW($G$5),ROWS($B$24:B24))),"")

    Similarly for Product Description.

    =IF(ROWS($B$24:B24)<=COUNTIF(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33, $C$4),INDEX(FIRM!$O$5:$O$33,AGGREGATE(15,3,((FIRM!$G$5:$G$33=$C$4)/(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33=$C$4)*ROW(FIRM!$G$5:$G$33))-ROW($G$5),ROWS($B$24:B24))),"")
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor shank_mis's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Sheet with formula is attached herewith.
    Hope this is what you require.

    Last edited by shank_mis; 01-20-2020 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    thank you for this,

    when i copy c24 down to c25 it doesn't pick up the second, different, product code 360-16, under the same order number, it just picks up the same one as c24

  5. #5
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Thanks so much!

    and how do i apply the formulae you put into C6, 10, 12, 16 etc into the other blue cells? is it a matter of copy and paste into there and change something within the formula?

    so good that these work,

    Just need the rest - thank you again

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Quote Originally Posted by shank_mis View Post
    Sheet with formula is attached herewith.
    Hope this is what you require.

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  7. #7
    Forum Contributor shank_mis's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Just drag the formula downwards....

  8. #8
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Quote Originally Posted by shank_mis View Post
    Just drag the formula downwards....
    What is the formula and where should it go? You need to give proper details in your posts, please, not just in the attachment.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Thank you for your help all

    I now have a form which is filling itself in.

    I just need now D24, 25 etc to return (F24, 25 etc) x M20, 21 or 22 depending on whether B24, 25, 26 etc has "-10", "-25", "-16"

    The answers are already there its just getting the formular to read the "-16" bit and using the table to multiply
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-17-2020 at 04:40 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Quote Originally Posted by shank_mis View Post
    Just drag the formula downwards....
    thanks i've managed to put the formulae in the other blue boxes (talking about the ones on the top) - i couldn't just drag it down; that would work for the table but not the other bits e.g. B2, B8 as i had to change $R$5:$R$33 to $J$5:$J$33 etc

    @aliGW good point

  11. #11
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Personally for tasks like this that are essenially outputting a varying number of rows from a database to a pre-defined form as you have with sheet1 I use an Advanced Data Filter which is run by a simple two line VBA macro.

    The requirement to allow you to do this is that the labels in B25:G25 MUST MATCH EXACTLY the column labels in your database (i.e. the Firm sheet). Where you have labels like Item Qty (which you presumably fill in after data has been extracted) then you should include that as a column header in your data eveb though the column will be blank.

    For any task like this it's always useful to apply a dynamic range name to your data. In this case I've created a name callled 'DATA' and defined it as

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    and that name is used in the formula below.

    The stuff at the top of Sheet1 that's dependent on the order number can be populated with an INDEX(MATCH()) combination of formulae. For instance
    With 'ORNo.' in A4 and 'Customer Ref' in A6 then the C6 formula would be

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    The other fields at the top can be populated in a similar way.

    I've made your Data column labels match your sheet1 labels, named B23:G23 'DataOut' and A4:A5 'Crit'.

    Now when you select or enter an order number in C4 the folloiwng macro will run and populate your form.

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    Last edited by Richard Buttrey; 01-20-2020 at 06:44 AM.
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  12. #12
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Thank you for this

    This works well because it brings up the other product codes under the same order number

    Just need a way to multiply f24, f25 etc by 98, 65 or 40 depending on whether b24, 25 etc has "-10", "-16" or "-25" as part of the text

  13. #13
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Quote Originally Posted by ZMAFC94 View Post
    Thank you for this

    This works well because it brings up the other product codes under the same order number

    Just need a way to multiply f24, f25 etc by 98, 65 or 40 depending on whether b24, 25 etc has "-10", "-16" or "-25" as part of the text
    To whom is this addressed?

  14. #14
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard

    Apologies, this was to you,

    The sheet is working with the formula and macro you have put together
    The only bit left I can't figure out is what i described in the reply to you

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Would you give an example using Product Code 360-25 in B24

    Are you saying that the Code suffixes are ALWAYS either 10, 16 or 25 and these need to be translated to 98, 65 and 40 respectively and multiplied by F24?

    i.e. 25 means 40, and the result required is 40*10 (in F24) = 400. Where does this result go, presumably G24?

  16. #16
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Yes sure!

    10, 16 or 25 and these need to be translated to 98, 65 and 40 respectively << correct

    So 360-25 is basically a code for something that weights 25kg.
    40 of those 25kg products can fit on a pallet.

    So if there was 10 "Total Pallets" of 360-25, then "item quantity" would be 400
    10 of 360-16 = 650
    10 of 360-10 = 980

    All codes will either have -10, -16 or -25, always these 3 bit on the end.
    results to go into column G (24, 25, 26...)


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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    Try the attached.

    I've changed the Worksheet_Change event procedure to:

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    Last edited by Richard Buttrey; 01-20-2020 at 06:44 AM.

  18. #18
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    I released I meant column D not G

    Now there is a bug, how can i go and fix this?
    I changed the part of the code from G to D and it was working and now its not

    I've attached the sheet again and now the total weight is gone; it should correspond to the values in column N in "firm" tab
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-17-2020 at 04:43 AM.

  19. #19
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    so sorry could you help me fix it - it was working fine but i gave you the wrong column

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Be patient! It's only been fifteen minutes since you posted before ...

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Somehow you've deleted the column label from D23

    It should be
    Item Qty

    i.e. exactly the same as AB4 on the Data sheet

    Another option of course is to put the LOOKUP formula (suitably adjusted) now in column D of Sheet 1 in column AB of the Database 'Firm' Sheet.
    Then you wouldn't need to add the formula to Sheet1 as part of the Sheet Change event macro so the macro could revert to just the original code I gave you and would finish with the .....Advanced Filter...blah blah bit of code.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard

    thanks for responding, I'm back at my desk now and still a bit lost so i've gone back to the version with the working macro but changes column G,

    Is there somewhere in the macro i can change where the result is in column D and not G?

    I tried to change it myself first and thats where it went wrong?

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Just change the penultimate line in the Worksheet Change event to

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    That looks like what I did! I just changed the letter...

    The first time it worked, then i changed some values in the database to test it further e.g. adding more "orders"
    Then i got this error message

    And then I see that this overwrote column D with formulae and i can't undo it.

    Am i not to make changes? Do i need to close and open again each time?

    Thanks for coming back to me

    EDIT: The overwriting of cells in D happen when i delete C4 to replace it with a new order number
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-13-2020 at 09:47 AM.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    I hadn't expected you to delete the order number making the cell blank before adding a new one. I'd expected someone just to overtype the value. Since no results were filtered the result was that the formula was added to D23.

    Substitute the following WOrksheet change event macro

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard thanks for this, all working well now on the example sheet.

    I tried copying this over to the live sheet by changing bits of the formula to relink the data.
    Formulae works fine

    Can't get the macro to work.
    I tried naming all the ranges just like you did, still doesn't work

    I copied the 'module' from the example sheet to the live sheet, still doesn't work.
    All i get is:

    It highlights this line

    Which is this bit of the code
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    Hope this helps narrow down the issue
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-15-2020 at 05:43 AM.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    It's likely that one of the three range names "DataOut", "Data" & "crit" have not been copied over correctly. Pkease check those first. And please confirm that the VBA code name for the sheet which contains the macro is still 'Sheet2'. To be clear I don't mean the sheet tab name that you see in Excel, I mean the Code name that you see in the Properties pane of the VBE when the sheet is selected in the VBA Project pane.

    I really need to have the workbook you're using. Experience tells me that in cases like this where mine works and yours doesn't, then your version is obviously different somewhere, or you use it in a way that I hadn't thought of.

    So please upload the workbook and tell me exactly what keys you are pressing etc.
    Last edited by Richard Buttrey; 01-15-2020 at 07:31 AM.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard

    Thanks for coming back to me. I understand that it would be easier to just send the live sheet - if i was allowed to, I'd have done this in the first place.

    I can confirm that "data" has not been set as a named range because on the list of named ranges, on the sheet you got working for me with the code, there is no "data" there are only:
    Attachment 657886

    Sheet 2 is Sheet 2 in both workbooks.

    To run through what happens
    1. select c4 to delete order number to put in an new one
    2. Attachment 657889
    3. "
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    " is highlighted

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Not sure what the attachments were since they don't appear.

    However since you confirm that the range name 'data' is missing, that is why the macro fails.

    In the original it is defined as

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    So unless you've changed the layout of the data on the 'Firm' sheet where the data is in columns F:G strting with the column labels on row 4, if you reinstate the name and the other two named ranges exist 'dataout' and 'crit' then the macro should work.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for sticking along for this solution, nearly there, victory in sight.

    I'm not sure why the attachments didn't work. It just shows the error messages "1004" Method 'Range' of Object' _worksheet' failed

    And the other one was the list of named ranges, of which doesn't include 'data'

    Apologies but that code
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    I cannot find in the last sheet you attached here (if that was the original you was referring to) - where was it mean't to be?

    And is this the code that the named range "data" is looking for?
    If so i'll create a named range "data"

    EDIT: I did some googling - i opened the name manager and put it in there and addressed it to sheet 1 (the first tab equivalent) and still gives me the same error, highlighting the same line
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-16-2020 at 06:48 AM.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    As you have identified. It was not VBA code it was a range name.

    What's the name of your first sheet. If it's got a space in it, e.g. "First Sheet' then the reference in the OFFSET definition needs to me modified slightly.
    Instead of

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    you should define it as

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    note the single inverted commas around the sheet name.
    And if you've changed the top left cell of your data table from F4 then you need to adjust the definition accordingly.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

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    is the code that would be in the live sheet
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    I haven't touched or moved the columns in anyway, just changed "OrdNo." to "AML No" on sheet1 G4

    And actually when i go back to the original, to change this, it then also has an error message... but i need to change G4 to AML No... but i dont know what else i need to change to make it work

    Still highlights the code
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Why does it throw up error messages when G4 is changed to AML, and wherever "ordno" is i've replaced with AMLno... it wont work but then i put it back to Ordno and it works, so frustrating

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    Note cells A4:A5 on the Order Request form. These carry the range name 'crit'. i.e they define the criteria to use for extracting records from the data to the 'dataout' range. Since you've changed G4 in the data sheet from 'ORNo.' to 'AML No' you'll need to change A4 on the request form tp 'AML No'

    The filtering functionality requires that all column labels in the data, dataout and crit ranges match exactly. You may remember when I first created the workbook I had to change one of the labels in the data sheet to match the labels in row 23 of the request form. If you change A4 to 'AML No' you should be OK

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Literally - its saying the extract range has missing or invalid field name

    Now, the one that was working isn't working either

    But here are the ranges
    Attachment 658113

    Criteria =
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    Extract =
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    AMLNo =
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Crit =
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Data =
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Data out =
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    Showing formula of sheet 2 ("sheet 1")
    show formula.JPG

    AML in sheet 1
    Last edited by ZMAFC94; 01-16-2020 at 10:39 AM.

  36. #36
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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    What's in A4 of the order request form?

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard i edited the post above with that

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    So what's in G4 of the Data sheet?

    The "AML No" that you indicated in post #32 or the "AMLNO" (without a space) that you show in A4 of the request form.

    The two need to be spelled EXACTLY the same.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Sheet 1 "FIRM" has "AMLNo"

    Sheet 2 "sheet1" has "AMLNo"

    The VBA CODE which refers to the name value is as follows:
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    but this is not highlighted, the one below it is:
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    Many thanks

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Just to confirm. C4 on the request form previously had the NAME "OrdNo". Presumably you have changed this to have the NAME "AMLNo"?

    Clearly there is something wrong somewhere with the Names of cells/ranges and/or the labels for the fields.

    Is it not possible to send me a copy of the workbook you have? Delete all the data if its sensitive, I'll then add a couple of lines of dummy data to test it. This would be the easiest way of resolving this.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    Hi Richard

    Here is the sheet, i'd have to paste the data back in
    As you've suggested you will have to put in dummy data into the data tab. You shouldn't need to change any formulae in the first tab only the second tab and the macro
    Attached Files Attached Files

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab


    As I mentioned earlier the column labels in the 'Data' range and the 'DataOut' range MUST be spelled EXACTLY the same.

    Currently you have the following, Tilbury sheet row 4 first, then Sheet1 row 23

    P4 - Code : B23 - Product Code
    O4 - Product : C23 - Product Description
    AB4 - blank : D23 - Qty
    AC4 - blank : E23 - Batch (if reqd.)
    M4 - Pallets : F23 -Total Pallets
    N4 - Kgs : G23 - Total Weight Kg

    Remember early on in post 11 I mentioned that the Filtering functionality that is used here requires that the labels in an ouput range MUST exist and be spelled EXACTLY the same as the labels in the Data range

    If you make these labels agree then the macro will be able to extract them.

    Although AB4 & AC4 don't currently exist in your data, since these are items on your request form (where in column F you manually enter a number and column D is populated with a formula) the column labels MUST nevertheless exist in your Data.

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    Re: Can't build correct formulae to fill in an order form drawing from another tab

    After all this time, i didn't realise you added those columns at the end of the table on TILBURY tab, AB4 & AC4!
    That was what it wasn't picking up too.

    I understand now and its now working fine

    It has the live data, everything at the moment is working.

    Not sure what else the company will want me to do with it but hopefully thats it haha

    Thanks again

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