Apologies if the thread title is not clear. I currently run a spreadsheet to capture dividend payments from shares month on month within a given year. The data is pulled from another tab called "Dividend Income". The formula I use is (example below is for November 2019):

=SUMIFS('Dividend Income'!$D:$D,'Dividend Income'!$A:$A,">="&DATE(2019,11,1),'Dividend Income'!$A:$A,"<"&DATE(2019,12,1))

This takes all those payments marked as November 2019 and sums them together to give a total. Every year I have to manually edit the formula, changing the year within the brackets, so for 2020, I would manually edit this formula to read:

=SUMIFS('Dividend Income'!$D:$D,'Dividend Income'!$A:$A,">="&DATE(2020,11,1),'Dividend Income'!$A:$A,"<"&DATE(2020,12,1)).

Simply dragging the formula across to another cell does not automatically update the year. My question is, is there a way that I can edit this formula so that dragging it across to another cell automatically updates the year?

Table is below, with cells K3:K14 the ones to update.

Screenshot 2019-12-16 at 12.14.49.png
