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Calculate Cells based on information is other CELLS

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    Calculate Cells based on information is other CELLS

    Hello Forum,

    I am new to the community and I look forward to hearing your expertise

    I need some assistance with the best way to implement the below query which has two parts, I will provide the data I am trying to manipulate as I think that will help me explain:

    Part 1

    DATA (contained/Found in Sheet 2)

    Animal Owner Cost
    Dog Theirs 100
    Dog Ours 150
    Cat Theirs 75
    Cat Ours 600
    Dog Ours 280

    The owner column effectively drives the +ve/-ve value of the cost column
    Theirs = positive (+100) Ours = Negative (-150)

    What is the best way to calculate a net amount for the Cost based on Animal? or return a net amount for each type of animal?

    PART 2
    On sheet 1, we will need to pull the net cost amount into the sheet based on the Animal, what is the most accurate way to achieve this?

    I am an intermediate Excel user and I have a grasp of EXCEL formulae and some VBA

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    Last edited by WillGG41; 12-11-2019 at 09:08 AM. Reason: Add Sheet Sample

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