This proposal builds off Tim's.
The formula used is:
=IF(OR($H11=0,WEEKDAY(I$8,2)>=6),"",IF(AND(VLOOKUP($H11,Configuration!$D$3:$L$22,4 +WEEKDAY(I$8,2),)="AW",B11<>"I"),"I",VLOOKUP($H11,Configuration!$D$3:$L$22,4 +WEEKDAY(I$8,2),)))
There will need to be some manual entries using data validation:
1. "AW" (alternate Wednesday) is selected for cells K12 and K18
2. Since R12 is "A" R13 will need to be "I"
3. Two conditional formatting rules have been added to hide "AW" and zeros
4. "AW" is added to the data validation list
Note that the formula and conditional formatting is applied to the range I11:AO30
On the Configuration sheet
1. Y's are changed to I's
2. AW is placed in cells to signify those employees work alternating Wednesdays.
Let us know if you have any questions.