I have a spreadsheet containing a tournament result tables where each years tournament get it's own worksheet (named 2014, 2015, ...). I also have a "Hall of fame" worksheet that sums wins, losses, goals made, etc. for all years but I can't get that part to work. The following formula finds the goals made by a team in 2014:
To sum the goals I tried this but it gives me the same result as the one above:![]()
=VLOOKUP('Hall of fame'!$A2;'2014'!$B$2:$J$7;6;) // The A-column contains the name of the team that is also found in column B of the tables sheets.
Is it possible to do in some other way?![]()
{=SUM(VLOOKUP('Hall of fame'!$A2;INDIRECT("'"&Years&"'!$B$2:$J$7");6;))} // Years is a named range of years (would be nice to be able to get that by available worksheets)
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards