For some reason, this formula seems to only "partially" work.
={IFERROR(TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF(Well_Numbers[WELL_PAD_ID]=$I158,IF(MATCH(Well_Numbers[WELL_NUM],Well_Numbers[WELL_NUM],0)=ROW(Well_Numbers[WELL_NUM])-MIN(ROW(Well_Numbers[WELL_NUM]))+1,Well_Numbers[WELL_NUM],""),"")),"")}
I can't post the entire workbook because it's company info. But in a nutshell, I have a powerquery set up to pull information from our datawarehouse. There are multiple activities per well. There are multiple wells per well pad. Illustrated by this picture.
I then have a "summary" type sheet that puts each well pad on one line. I have a column for "Wells on Pad". The formula is intended to go lookup the well pad ID in column I, match it against the well pad ID in the sheet from the picture above, then give me only unique values for the Well Numbers in 1 cell. The odd thing is, it has worked for a lot of the well pads. But, there are several that are blank all together (and shouldn't be), or have a couple of the well numbers, but not all. What am I missing in this formula? Below is a picture of the "result" I am after.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am so confused why it's working some of the time, but not for all. Basically any line item that has a well pad ID should have at least 1 result in the Wells on Pad column.
Thanks in advance,