Afternoon all hope someone can help.
I am trying to get the totals for 6 names on Tab "Live Snapshot" Columns E-J Row 3.
I Have told it to look on the "Cohorts" Tab to find the name in Column B, for the example i've attached it is "Apprenticeships" and give the total number of learners from Column E but only if the Date in Column A is within 6 days of today(the current day).
I have tried this. =SUMIFS(Cohorts!$E:$E,Cohorts!$B:$B,J2,Cohorts!$A:$A,">="&(TODAY()-6))
However the formula I have made is wrong as it is including future dates when adding up the total. It is saying 11 for Apprenticeships when it should be 7. Could someone kindly point out where I have messed up please?
I have attached an example spreadsheet for you to see.
Thank you for any help you may be able to give.