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Rounding with exponent

  1. #1
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    Rounding with exponent

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I consider myself an intermediate skill-level with Excel, and I use it at work quite a bit, but right now I'm stumped.

    In the simplest form, I'm trying to figure out a formula that will multiply a cell by a another cell which is a percentage, then round that number to the nearest 1/100th (2 decimal places), then multiply that rounded number by the same percentage, round that result, and continue multiplying it X number of times.

    I've tried using ROUND function, and POWER and ^ for applying exponents, but the resulting number I'm getting is that it rounds the number after the full calculation is complete. Is there any way to get it to round in between iterations of the multiplier? I know could create a table for this calculation, and then VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH to the resulting cell that I'm after, but I'd rather be able to have the full calculation occur within that cell.

    Here's what my best try was...

    The idea is a tenant's pro-rata share of an expense is capped at a growth rate of X% per year. T10 is the cell containing the original pro-rata share, R10 is the cell containing the growth percentage, D4 is the cell containing the year of the pro-rata share cap being calculated, and S10 is the cell containing the base year for the original pro-rata share.

    For purposes of trying this, here's the values I'm working with on this particular tenant...

    Base Year of Cap: 2015
    Year of Calculation: 2019
    Base Pro-Rata Share: $2.79
    % Growth per Anum: 4%

    Using this data, the value being returned with the formula above is $3.26. However, if you do the math manually, rounding for each year, then you come out to $3.27.

    How can I get the formula to round like that so that it returns a value of $3.27?

  2. #2
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    Re: Rounding with exponent

    See my response to the same question at https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-...-exponent.html .

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Rounding with exponent

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