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Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

  1. #1
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    Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Hello Everyone,

    My workbook is attached below. I have a helper table with 5 helper columns. The columns contain lookup formulas that extract all matches from bottom to top of a separate data table. They're also dependent on selections from drop downs, therefore the lists in these columns are dynamic and change.

    What I need are formulas that extract all the matches, but from the other way around, from top to bottom.

    For example, if the list in the Type column was currently extracted in the order Harvest > Intermediate > End, I would actually like it to be in the reverse order: End > Intermediate > Harvest.
    Or depending on the drop down selections, the list might only have these values in the order: Intermediate > End, which I would actually like to be in the reverse order End > Intermediate.

    Here is an example of the formula in the first row of the column Type of the helper table.
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    Unfortunately, I could not figure it out on my own, so I greatly appreciate anyone who looks or attempts to help me with this.

    Thank you all!

    *EDIT: I attached the wrong workbook originally, I am so sorry
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    Last edited by Lucko4Life; 10-11-2019 at 08:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Did you attach the correct file? I can't see a lookup anywhere!!!

    None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU

  3. #3
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Hi Glenn,

    Unfortunately, yes I did attach the wrong file. I edited my initial post and swapped it out for the correct file. I am so sorry!

    The Lookup formulas are on the page named Helper, in the table named HelperT.

    Again, I am so sorry to waste your time like that!...Thank you so much.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Much better!! Before I get stuck into this, there is one VERY important question. On sheet Form, you have one row containing a series of DD boxes. In your real sheet, how many such rows are there? With your current approach, you will need to replicate that entire table for EACH row you need DD's on. That may require a complete change of direction, taking you closer towards the sample sheet that you posted initially. FWIW, I am familiar with the sort of sheet in your initial sample sheet. I've set it up for a quaternary level DD, but not yet for a quinary level DD. It can be done... Let me know ASAP. I have a few hours hanging around in airports on Sun & Mon. It'd help pass the time!!!

  5. #5
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Hey Glenn!

    The initial workbook I posted accidentally was actually modified from your workbook you posted as a response on someone else's thread! All I added was a few more Quaternary Helper columns and then some Quinary Helper columns to match what I needed
    I was very happy with your work and was so very relieved to find the answer that I needed for that! I had been searching and trying for so long and your answer was the only one I could find! I thanked you for it on my last thread about the topic, but you most likely didn't see it.

    After that, while searching through the forum again, I came across a different workbook setup (the one that is currently posted) and figured it would be useful in instances where I only needed a single row of dependent drop downs. The only thing I didn't like was the Lookup formulas extracting the values backwards.

    So to answer your question, for this particular workbook, I only need a single row of dependent drop downs on the Form sheet.

    Thank you so much for your help, your are amazing!!!

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Is this what you had in mind??

    in Helper, B2:

    in Helper, C2, copied across and down:

    They're non-array formulae.

    I have to catch a couple of flights now. I'm back in 6 or 7 hours. It looks like you have something clever going on there in your Named Ranges. I'll take a closer look when I reach my hotel.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    Hi Glenn,

    I don't know if you will see this, but I am so sorry for the very late reply! I was very sick for quite a while and am now just recovering.
    I really appreciate that you took the time to help me out with everything!

    In the workbook you worked on and attached, it seems like only the first two dropdowns, Brand and Type, are working correctly. They appear in the order I want (from Top to Bottom, info pulled from the ProductsT data table).
    However, all the other dropdowns after that(Subtype, Product, and Size) display ALL the dropdown selections, instead of only the selections that pertain to the dropdowns selected before it.

    I forgot to include a mock up example in my original workbook, so I added a mock up table on the workbook you revised, of what I want the results to look like. The mock up table is on the Helper sheet, and I also added a note on the Form sheet of what the dropdown selections should look like.
    So sorry, I should have done that originally!

    I hope you are doing well, and again I am so sorry for the long delayed response. Thank you for everything, you are amazing and incredibly skilled

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    I can't remember this at all!! A lot has happened to me since then, too. Including being locked into Barcelona airport for 5 hours while a full-scale riot was going on outside the terminal building.

    All OK now! I'll look at this tomorrow, as I'm leaving now for the rest of the evening.

  9. #9
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Help To Reverse Lookup Formula Extraction Order

    OK. Here it is again, fixed, I think. Try it out.

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