I've just noticed this from your first post - you must have added this after I started my reply.
If you wanted to do it for groups of 3, then you would need 3 INDEX expressions, each separated by an " and ". Also, the *2, which occurs twice, will have to become *3 for a group of 3, and the +2 and +3 is there because your data begins on row 2 of column A and you want the data from row 2 and row 3. For a group of 3 students this would have to be +2, +3 and +4. So, the formula would become:
=INDEX(A:A,(ROWS($1:1)-1)*3+2)&" and "&INDEX(A:A,(ROWS($1:1)-1)*3+3)&" and "&INDEX(A:A,(ROWS($1:1)-1)*3+4)
to get groups of 3 students. Use the same logic to get groups of 4 students.
Hope this helps.