Hello Everyone! I saw a few different tiered pricing formulas on this forum but I don't think they really had what I needed as far as I can tell. I have a tiered pricing sheet that I would like to create a formula for so that my team can simply enter in the desired qty (cell A1) and it spits out a dollar amount. The tiers go something like this:
Tier 1: qty 500-1,000 = $15*A1
Tier 2: qty 1,001-5,000 = $15,000+[(A1-1,000)*10]
Tier 3: qty 5,001-10,000 = $55,000 + [(A1-5,000)*6]
so on and so on until tier 7
Would an if then statement be best? I just imagine it being a huge statement, so maybe there's a better way? Thank you in advance!!