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How do I filter my data list from another list of zip codes.

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  1. #1
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    How do I filter my data list from another list of zip codes.

    I have a data list with colums- Name, Address, City, Zip codes - not all zipcodes pertain to my service area.

    I have a seperate zipcode list that i want to use for filtering, and I want to see records of only those zipcodes.

    Using Vlookup function gives me single vaules only. For example, i have 9 records from zipcode 91006, when I use vlookup I only get a single a record with that zipcode.

    Please tell me how to filter my data list from another list of zipcodes?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: How do I filter my data list from another list of zip codes.

    I'd recommend uploading sample workbook. Without it we can only give you generic answer.

    To upload use "Go Advanced" button, follow "Manage Attachments" hyperlink. It will launch new tab/window for managing uploads.

    If you are unable to upload for one reason or another, try one of the following methods.

    1. Advanced Filter Copy
    2. INDEX/AGGREGATE formula construct (note that you'll need to have formula fill in for enough rows for maximum number of expected record).
    3. Use Pivot Table with Slicer/Filter field to select desired info.

    "Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
    ― Robert A. Heinlein

  3. #3
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    Re: How do I filter my data list from another list of zip codes.

    Here is the sample workbook.

    I want to see records that fall in zipcodes mentioned in the row I
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  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: How do I filter my data list from another list of zip codes.


    then you could direct sort all row by column G (all rows with number in column G is your "service area")
    you could also use row# in column G to extract all columns in service area only.

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