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How to create some kind of fixed reference to another workbook (and its own workbook)...

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    How to create some kind of fixed reference to another workbook (and its own workbook)...

    Similar to the principle of a fixed reference (pointing one cell to another - so that when you copy it elsewhere it does not change), how can you achieve the same when pointing to another worksheet.

    My example:
    I have a table column where I am referencing a Totals cell in different workbooks. Row one in that column is referring to the Totals cell in its own workbook (workbook 1), row 2 is referring to the totals cell in workbook 2, etc etc. The problem is I am currently using a link (e.g. ='[Workbook1.xlsx]Worksheet1'!$A$2) which is fine when you are pointing to other workbooks, but within your own bookbook excel automatically converts it

    FROM ='[Workbook1.xlsx]Worksheet1'!$A$2
    TO ='Worksheet1!$A$2

    This is a problem for me because I want all the cells to be absolutely fixed to a workbook, so that I can easy copy and paste workbooks and simply rename them.
    Otherwise, when I copy Workbook1 to become Workbook2, for row 1 it will carry over "Worksheet1!$A$2" refering to itself as worksheet 2 and not worksheet1.

    A little difficult to explain, hope it makes sense. Essentially fixing a link to a workbook even if its linking to itself.

    Some very smart people on here, much smarter than myself.
    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: How to create some kind of fixed reference to another workbook (and its own workbook).

    Perhaps =INDIRECT("'[Workbook1.xlsx]Worksheet1'!$A$2")

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: How to create some kind of fixed reference to another workbook (and its own workbook).

    Thanks for replying Pepe - it seems to work for referencing the Totals cell in its own workbooks, but not the total cells in other workbooks which means I would not be able to use it for all and then copy, paste and rename the workbooks.

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