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Unique Values in Dynamic Down List

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    Re: Unique Values in Dynamic Down List

    This may seem like a round about way to get this done, however...
    1. Populate columns L:O for the four regions using: =COUNTIFS(OffersTable[[Offer]:[Offer]],$K9,OffersTable[[Region]:[Region]],L$8)
    2. Populate lists of contents in columns G:J using: =IFERROR(INDEX($K$9:$K$22,AGGREGATE(15,6,(ROW($K$9:$K$22)-ROW($K$8))/(L$9:L$22>0),ROWS($A$1:$A1))),"")
    3. Name (see name manager) the lists of contents using the following as the refers to: =Solutions!$I$9:$I$22
    4. Use the following as the source of the data validation: =OFFSET(INDIRECT(G3),0,0,SUMPRODUCT(--(INDIRECT(G3)<>"")),1)
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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