Read all this first before doing anything
I notice if P3="Yes" then 10 is added otherwise nothing is added so that cuts out half the IFs already
Create a table to lookup E3 and G3, the three extra columns will have 1s or 0s to multiply O3 or Q3 depending on the combination of the first two columns.
Sounds complicated but just follow these instructions and it should work (I think)
So you can replace all those IFs using this
Set up a matrix 10 rows by 5 columns in Sheet2!A1 like this
Billable,Paper Mail,1,1,0
Non-Billable,Paper Mail,0,1,0
Billable,CD/USB Mail,0,1,1
Non-Billable,CD/USB Mail,0,1,0
Billable,Walk-in Paper,1,0,0
Non-Billable,Walk-in Paper,0,0,0
Billable,Walk-in CD/USB,0,0,1
Non-Billable,Walk-in CD/USB,0,0,0
You can copy this into a blank spreadsheet, let's say Sheet2 starting at A1. You may need to use text to Columns with a comma separater so you end up with 10 rows and 5 columns
Then your formula would be (slightly tested)
Array formula, use Ctrl-Shift-Enter