I can't find from where the information comes. For example on the Customers Names sheet of the Master Workbook v1.01 it states "this report will have data improted from customers name workbook: new Customers names". The closest match in the Workbook Samples file is Correct Customers Name Spellings which has no new Customers names column.
That said if you have a newer version of Excel, corresponding to PC versions 2016, 2019 or the subscription version (365) then you might want to consider using Get & Transform (Power Query) for your task. Linked below is a video from Highline College that deals with importing information from multiple Excel files.
If you need further help I suggest narrowing the scope of the request to automating one of the five processes listed in post #1. Once that process is automated and the thread marked as 'Solved', then a new thread may be opened to work on the next.
Let us know if you have any questions.